Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Day 30 – The Sheep Gate


Read:  John 5:1-3

Upon his return to Jerusalem, Jesus entered the city through the northern gate. The "Sheep Gate," as it was known, was the primary entrance for shepherds and their flocks traveling to Jerusalem from the north. Many of these animals would be sacrificed in the Temple. Commentators tell us the pious religious types often avoided this gate because it was considered "unclean" -- probably because of the animals and what they left behind. Like undesirable real estate today, this gate became the place where many of Jerusalem's undesirable people gathered.
Every city has its undesirable side of town. These neighborhoods often include things that are critical to the welfare of the entire city. Factories, power plants, landfills, water treatment plants and other necessary but unattractive agencies are hidden from view. The gate where the sacrifices entered Jerusalem was like that. Everyone needed the sacrifices, but no one necessarily wanted to deal with the reality of the sheep and their shepherds.
It is no surprise that Jesus chose to break with convention and enter through a gate most Jews avoided. John has already established Jesus' propensity to go where other nice religious folks would not. His recent stay in Samaria was a much more radical example, but don't overlook this subtle example. John the Baptist declared Jesus to be the "Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world" (John 1:29). Now the Lamb of God is entering Jerusalem through the gate designated for temple sacrifices. Unlike the many sheep slaughtered before, this spotless lamb would be the final sacrifice atoning for the sins of the world. Jesus is also known as the "Good Shepherd." In caring for the needs of His flock, Jesus is willing to go where others are not, and do what others will not.
Religious folks still try to sanitize and purify the necessity of Jesus' sacrifice. We prefer the Jesus dressed in white to the naked, bloody man hanging on the cross. We welcome Jesus into the well-decorated foyer of our life, but we cringe to think of Him present in the septic tank of our lust, greed, envy and hatred. Unless we recognize the Jesus who enters through the sheep gate, we will miss the Lamb of God. Until we welcome Him into the undesirable real estate of our heart, we will never truly know how good a shepherd He is.
Lamb of God,

Thank You for entering the “Sheep Gate” of my heart. Thank You for being the perfect sacrifice for my sin and the sins of the world. Forgive me for avoiding the “Sheep Gates” of my own heart and community. Give me the faith to go where others will not, that I might tell others of the “Lamb of God who has come to take away the sins of the world.”


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