Read: John 3:16-21
The problem
with light is that it reveals too much. On the mornings I need to get ready
before my wife is awake, I dress in the dim light of my closet. Often, as I
pass by the mirror in my dining room, the morning light reveals the truth about
my clothing choice: I do not match. I must confess that, at that moment, I
despise the light. Were it not for the cold hard truth of the light, I would be
free to continue about my day ignoring my poor choice.
What is true
about dressing in the dark is also true about issues of the soul. There are
parts of our souls that resist the light of day. Light exposes the dirtiness
and shame, revealing what is true. The darkness, however, lets us ignore the
truth and continue to live as if the dirt does not exist. The absence of light
does not negate the effects of our sin and shame, but only hides them. If
someone comes along and shines the light of truth in the dark corners of our
souls, we recoil and hide, avoiding the light and resenting the one who brings
describing Nicodemus’s nighttime encounter with Jesus, John returns to a theme
he established in the opening of his Gospel: “In [Jesus] was life, and that
life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and
the darkness has not overcome it” (John 1:4-5). The darkness may not overcome
the light, but it certainly tries to resist it. “Light has come into the world,
but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were
evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the
light for fear that their deeds will be exposed” (John 3:19-20). That describes
me on the mornings I get dressed in the dark. That describes my soul when I
know there are deeds, thoughts, lies, and shame I would rather keep hidden in
the dark corners of my soul. The problem is I cannot come to Jesus and avoid
His light. I must choose between the light and full exposure or darkness and
the absence of Jesus.
What are you
trying to hide in the darkness? Pray for the Light of the World to illuminate
your heart.
Light of Mankind,
I confess I have loved the darkness because it has deceived me into believing my sins are hidden. But my sin is never hidden from You. The darkness is a lie. Shine Your light in the darkest corners of my heart. I may recoil at Your brightness and squint with the pain Your light brings, but I choose the light of Your love and the warmth it will bring.
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