Friday, February 3, 2017

Day 19 – The Best Man

Read:  John 3:22-36; Revelation 19:6-9; Matthew 25:1-13
After His encounter with Nicodemus, Jesus, and His followers again cross paths with Jesus' cousin, John the Baptizer. This was an especially significant moment for the Gospel writer who had, until recently, been one of "the Baptizer's" disciples. As Jesus' fame grew, others also left John to follow Jesus. When some of the Jews with John pointed this out, John's humility is once again on display.

The Baptizer describes his role as that of a best man at a wedding. The best man is an important part of the marriage ceremony. He plays a significant role in the life of the groom. He is the primary witness to the wedding ceremony. It is an honor to serve as someone's best man. It is not, however, the most important role in the wedding. It doesn't even come in second. There are two people far more important: the bride and groom. Without them, there would be no wedding. The Gospel writer, John, will return to this analogy in his final work, the Revelation, where he describes the church as "the bride of Christ." An analogy he no doubt learned from his former teacher, John the Baptizer.

John the Baptist states a simple yet profound truth: “The bride belongs to the bridegroom.” Those of us who serve in the local church would do well to remember that. The church does not belong to the pastor or a group of elders or deacons. She is not the possession of a board or a presbytery or even of her members. The church belongs to her groom, Jesus Christ. It is Jesus who has purchased her and rescued her. It is Jesus who will cleanse her and prepare her, and it is Jesus who must build her and lead her. “He must become greater; I must become less.”

Our responsibility is to be faithful attendants at the wedding. We are witnesses for the groom and caretakers of His bride. While we play a significant role, it is a role that would not exist without the bride and groom. 

Righteous Groom,

Thank You for allowing me to serve as a witness and caretaker of Your bride. May I, like John, continue to diminish in the sight of those attending the wedding so they may see You and Your love for Your bride, the Church.


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