Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Day 17 – To Do and Not to Do

Read:  John 3:1-21 & Luke 6:37-42

John 3:16 is arguably the most famous verse in the Bible. From homemade posters in the stands at football games to the great cathedrals of Europe, this verse has been proclaimed so that even those who know little of the Bible can quote it from memory. Equally important but far less known is the verse that follows. If verse 16 provides the reason God sent Jesus into the world, verse 17 clarifies something God did not send Jesus to do.

Most people are familiar with "to do" lists. Some people live by them. I have friends who make lists that include things they have already done so that they can check them off the list! Many of us, however, would benefit from making a "don't do" list. This is a list of things we should never do because they are outside the scope of our mission, gifting, calling and purpose. Knowing God's purpose for you, your family and your church is important, but you should also consider those things that may be a distraction from that calling. Once you've identified those items, add them to your "don't do" list before you find yourself off task and outside of God's purpose.

John 3:17 says God did NOT send Jesus to condemn the world. The reason this was unnecessary, we are told, is because the world already stands condemned. It would have been like sending Jesus to collect parking fines from prisoners on death row. Unfortunately, many Christians believe the primary mission of the church is to do the very thing Jesus did NOT come to do. Such Christians face two problems. One, they are unqualified to judge the world. If Jesus, who was without sin, was not sent to condemn the world, certainly His sinful followers are not qualified to do so. Instead, the church must focus on proclaiming the message of God’s grace. The condemning Christian’s second problem is that they not only defy Jesus’ example, but His instructions: “Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven” (Luke 6:37).
If you are starting a "don't do" list, you may want to put "judging and condemning others" at the top. According to John 3:17 it was on the top of Jesus' list too.

Merciful Loving Father,

Thank You that in the midst of my sin You loved me enough to send Jesus to rescue me from death. Rather than focusing on my problem, You delivered the solution I need. Please forgive me for passing judgment on others. Make me bold as I live to tell others of Your amazing love, and the hope found in Your Son, Jesus Christ.


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