Monday, March 13, 2017

Day 57 – Black and White

Read:  John 8:12-20

Jesus said, “I am the light of the world.” If these words sound familiar, they should. John used this description to open his gospel (John 1:4-9). John also foreshadows the Pharisees’ response to Jesus’ claims when he says, “but men loved darkness” (John 3:19). The theme of light and darkness is clearly related to the creation account. The first words of God in the Bible are, “Let there be light.” God’s command dispelling the darkness continues into the New Testament as Jesus arrives to dispel the darkness of sin.
The Pharisees insist that Jesus' witness about Himself is not valid. Jesus claims that His witness about Himself is valid because "I am not alone." He means that His divine nature and membership in the Godhead represent all the witnesses need to verify His claims. Since the Pharisees didn't accept Jesus' claims to be "from God," nor that He was "one with the Father," it was impossible for them to accept Jesus' "divine witness" argument.
Here we are brought back to the fundamental dilemma of faith. A simple reading of Jesus' words leads us to the stark reality that this man is either speaking truth or is completely delusional. C. S. Lewis said that Jesus is either the greatest lunatic the world has ever known, or He is who He claimed to be. There can be no other alternative. There is no room for a mediating interpretation of Jesus' claims. There is no safe middle ground. In a world that prefers shades of gray, Jesus paints Himself in bold contrasts of black and white. There is light, and there is darkness. There is sight, and there is blindness. Each of us must decide.
Do not think that one is a choice of faith and the other is not. It will require faith to believe Jesus is God, but it will require just as much faith to believe He is not. Jesus leaves us no alternative but to jump off the ledge of faith. 
Light of the World,

Thank You for dispelling the darkness of sin that separated me from the Father. I praise You because You are the Light and in You there is no darkness at all. Shine Your light in my heart and dispel the darkness of fear and doubt.


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