Tuesday, April 20, 2021

The Reversible Kingdom

Luke 6:17-36


Jesus was constantly telling his followers that the economy of the Kingdom was a reversal of the current world order. He told parables of rebellious sons being welcomed home with a party, and shepherds leaving 99 sheep in pursuit of one.  He instructed his disciples to take the lowest seat at the table and that the greatest should wash their feet.


It has been said that Jesus comforts the afflicted and afflicts the comfortable.  To those who are poor, hungry, weeping, and are hated, he says, “Rejoice!” But to those who are rich, well fed, happy, and esteemed, he says, “Look out!” 


But Jesus’ teaching about the great Kingdom reversal is not just a way of comforting some and warning others. He is also offering practical instructions for how His followers can be a part of establishing God's Kingdom in this present reality. Jesus’ followers are to reverse the current world order by loving their enemies, doing good to those who hate them, blessing those who curse them, praying for those who abuse them, turning the other cheek when struck, and giving selflessly to those who cannot repay.


As we join in these great acts of reversal, we offer the world an example of what God has done for us in Jesus. Jesus is God's greatest reversal of the human economy. His new world order is ushering in God's upside-down, inside-out Kingdom, and He invites us to participate in that reversal. 



God of Great Reversals,


Out of the chaos You ordered creation, so I ask You to order the chaos in me.

When the darkness of sin cast shadows You sent Your Light,

So I ask You to send Your Light into the darkness of my heart.

You are reversing the destruction of sin, death, and the grave, 

So reverse what is broken, dead, and buried in me.

Make me whole so that I may join You in Your great Reversible Kingdom.



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